With October just 2 months away and Casey Anthony gallivanting the universe, enjoying sun, sand and life others are eagerly awaiting her return to Orlando, Florida to face off with Zenaida Gonzalez and her pending defamation lawsuit. Gonzalez’s attorney Keith Mitnik is chomping at the bit to ask her questions while under oath.

After Judge Jose Rodriguez recused himself from the long awaited Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez civil lawsuit, the reassigned Judge Lisa Munyon scheduled Casey’s deposition to October 8, 2011. But now the attorney defending Casey Anthony in the defamation lawsuit does not want her questioned under oath as previously scheduled.
Civil attorney Charles Greene filed a request Wednesday for the court to strike the notice of deposition and the related subpoena because Fernandez-Gonzalez “has again publicly announced the purported location of the defendant’s deposition.”

He has petitioned for another date because the time and place of the deposition has been revealed to the public again.
Understandably, with the press still hot on the Casey Anthony Trail and the multitude of threats against his client’s life, as her lawyer, he insists on confidentiality and now is asking Judge Lisa Munyon for another date to question Casey.
Charles Greene also claims the opposing side is “using the judicial system as a platform for publicity stunts.”
Keith Mitnik, one of Zenaida Gonzalez’s attorney cried foul and argued, “When we try to protect small people who have been crushed by somebody’s lies and you call that self aggrandizing, then you’re missing the boat.”
Keith Mitnik is a lawyer with Morgan & Morgan Law Firm which is a major law firm that specializes in personal injuries. Their grandiose advertisements can be seen on many billboards through out the state of Florida.

Snipped from Orlando Sentinel:

Green said Fernandez-Gonzalez will be required to depose Anthony where ever she lives, “which should also not be disclosed to the public due to bona fide safety issues.”
The attorney wants to take the issue up at a case-management conference.
Greene said in his motion that these matters should be raised at the case management conference.

Greene wants Fernandez-Gonzalez to answer questions
Greene also filed a “defendant’s request for admissions.” In that filing, he asks Fernandez-Gonzalez to “admit the truth” of a series of “facts.”
One of those is that “On July 16, 2008, your legal name was not ‘Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez’ and you did not use ‘Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez’ as an alias.”

It also asks her to admit she never met Jeffrey Michael Hopkins; never met Casey Anthony; never met her before July 16, 2008; never lived at Sawgrass Apartments before that date; and never lived with her mother in a home or apartment off Michigan Avenue before that date.
It also asks her to admit her mother’s name is not Gloria; she is not originally from New York State; did not attend University of Florida and never babysat for a boy named Zachary Hopkins, son of Jeffery Michael Hopkins.
These items relate to statements Anthony made to investigators and family members about her so-called nanny Zenaida Gonzalez.

Shockingly, this law firm that’s going after Casey Anthony also wants her psychological records as reported by The Palm Beach Post. This has nothing to do with Zenaida Gonzalez’s alleged loss wages and reputation.
In a request filed last Wednesday, July 20th, the attorneys suing Casey Anthony not only wants her psychological evaluations, diagnoses, treatment plans and prescriptions; the greedy lawyers also want to know what type of offers she’s received for television appearances and book deals. The also want Casey Anthony to produce all documents related to offers of “any type” made to her or her representatives for “interviews, television show appearances, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, literature..” The document requests Anthony produce these items within 30 days.


“The People’s Governor” joins “The People’s Law Firm”

 Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has joined Morgan & Morgan. While serving in office, Crist was often referred to as “the People’s Governor.” His dedication and commitment to the people of Florida will remain the same as he works with the firm’s mass tort and class action department, fighting “for the people.” Crist said, “It’s truly a privilege for me to have this opportunity to work all over our beautiful state. John Morgan has set up an incredible firm of very gifted people and it’s truly an honor and a privilege to have this day come.”
Morgan & Morgan was founded in 1988 with a single office and three attorneys; the firm has since grown into one of the largest in the southeast with 13 offices and over 170 lawyers, with a staff of more than 500 people. The growth and success of the firm can be attributed to a steadfast commitment to representing the people, not the powerful. It is this focus that appealed to Crist: “It’s really such a natural transition for me; to be with Morgan & Morgan and work with my dear friend John Morgan… he really is all about the people. That’s what I’ve always tried to do and aspire to do as a public servant. Now I’ll do it in the private sector.
Crist has been a full-time politician since 2000; he served as Florida Education Commissioner (2001-2003) and Attorney General (2003-2007) before being elected Governor (2007-2011). Crist stated that his work as Attorney General will be an asset as he assists Morgan & Morgan in handling major class action lawsuits: “Having had the privilege of being Attorney General and working ‘for people, against the powerful,’ as John [Morgan] would say, I think is certainly going to bode well for the future.”

Crist who was governor in July 2008 when Casey was first arrested, is now working in one of the largest law firms of central Florida. He was governor when Zenaida Gonzalez hired Keith Mitnik of Morgan & Morgan. What are the chances of Casey Anthony getting a fair deal in this civil case when the ex-governor is now part of her opposition? What political favors will come Mr. Mitnik’s way with the ex-gov as a partner in his firm?


Perhaps it was decided that “The Casey Anthony Gravy Train” the gift that keeps on giving is worth more than a guilty verdict to a few politicians.
What’s to come in the years ahead? How did the death of an innocent child become so political? Inquiring minds want to know.

So not to be left at the station…
Texas EquuSearch attorneys also want to depose Casey Anthony on October 8th.



By Anthony Colarossi and Amy Pavuk, Orlando Sentinel
2:59 p.m. EDT, July 27, 2011

POSTED: Friday, July 15, 2011
UPDATED: 4:27 pm EDT July 15, 2011

